It’s February 5th, 2024… My last post was in November 2023.

“It’s been a while, man, life’s so rad.” — Weezer (Blue Album)

Measure for Measure

The beginning of this year started with a challenging and rewarding opportunity. I was asked to replace an actor playing Angelo who had to step away from a production of Measure for Measure. I joined the ensemble in rehearsals on January 8th and the show opened on January 19th — so a fairly small window of time.

This process taught me a few things. For instance, the importance of making big and bold choices within the director’s vision of the production, and without personal judgment. This was crucial in such a small time frame. No room to debate or overthink, just do it. It goes without saying that it’s ideal to start a rehearsal process off-book and with a great understanding of the script and character. This is always beneficial to the process for numerous reasons, most importantly being able to connect directly with your scene partner(s), and not have your eyes in the book.

Throughout the production, my process continued within the scope of the work. This is something that happens either way, but it was a good reminder that, no matter how many weeks of rehearsal, the development never stops because it’s all about process over product.

By the end of the production, I thought the typical actor thing “oh, I wish I had just one [two, three, four] more week(s).” But it is what it is, and what helps alleviate me from that is the reminder of “process over product.” One, I didn’t aim for a product, so there’s no telling how far it could have developed. Two, I kept exploring the process, which in turn supports the story and my character. There’s no wrong way to do it if you’re making choices. “In your choice lies your talent.” — Stella Adler

The Play That Goes Wrong

Now that Measure for Measure has ended, I can redirect my focus to my next production — The Play That Goes Wrong at Constellation Stage & Screen. I’m tremendously excited about this production because of what’s required of the actors. If you’re not familiar, this show requires precision of movement and a strong grasp of timing due to what physically/structurally plays out in the show.

I’m looking forward to beginning that process, and I’m lucky to share it with good people!! Rehearsals start February 27th. Until then, I’ll be making art, staying physically active, and of course, reading the script again and again!